
RISING TIDE 1/13: Trovian! The denizens of the Depths have arisen! My crew and I have been exploring the LONG SHADE, and they are absolutely everywhere! When you're ready to help, come find us at our ship; recognizable as an OUTPOST on the Map [HK:Map]. Using the ATLAS [HK:Atlas], you can find the Long Shade Adventure World far to the left. With enough LIGHT and POWER RANK, you can enter and begin your search for SALTWATER SAM.


RISING TIDE 2/13: Have you seen them yet? Enemies from THE DEPTHS have poured over all of the Biomes here in the Long Shade. My crew is working with Qubesly to study and respond-to this threat, and we need your help! First things first: we need to hit them back! Find DEPTHS creatures all throughout the Long Shade and take them out!

Defeat Denizens from the DEPTHS

RISING TIDE 3/13: Nice work! They aren't so tough, are they? While I'm focusing on the battle strategy, Freshwater Fran and Qubesly have been working together to try to figure out the bigger picture. She mentioned she could used some help. Speak with her to see what she needs, she's here on my ship!


RISING TIDE 4/13: Why hello! Sam said you might be able to help me. It's not just the violence visiting our lands up from the Depths, but also their flora! Sam says it's not important, but I'm convinced there's more to the story here than meets the eye. You can help me research the root cause of this Depths incursion by collecting Depths-specific harvests, found here in the Long Shade. Each biome has its own new type of fauna to be harvested.


RISING TIDE 5/13: Did you and Fran get your science done? Good, because we've got a big problem! We've come across large, 5-star dungeons filled with Depths all over the Long Shade! You know what to do, Trovian: destroy!

Defeat 5-STAR DEPTHS Dungeons