Tutorial Rework

Shadow's Eve 2024 1/10: Awooooo to you, Trovian! Shadow's Eve is here again! I don't have anything for you this year, but it looks like this talking cat does. Come to the Events area of the Hub and talk to her to figure out what it wants. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.

Shadow's Eve 2024 2/10: Hello, Trovian. It looks like Wolfsly passed on my message. That's good, because I need you to do something fur me. Fur now though, I need some pumpkins. Why, you ask? I'll answer that when you're back. Pumpkin Patches appear in the Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve each year. They're big pumpkins, so you'll know it when you see one. Find one and collect some of the pumpkins.

Shadow's Eve 2024 3/10: Are those pumpkins I smell? You got quite a feast-I mean, you've done well, Trovian. Now, clear out some Pumpkin Patches or Pumpkin Dungeons for me. I know I said I'd tell you why I need pumpkins, but that can wait until after this. Return to the Pumpkin Patches in the Cursed Vale or find the Pumpkin Dungeons scattered across Trove and clear them out.

Shadow's Eve 2024 4/10: Oh, you're done. Well in good time too, I just finished eating. I magicked some of those pumpkins you gathered over to me, and now I can tell my story with a full stomach, and besides I owe you an explanation. I'm a witch that's been cursed to take the form of my familiar, and I want help undoing the curse to turn myself back. Since you've already come this far, could you go an collect some Q'rsebane for me? Q'rsebane is a purple flower that grows in the Cursed Vale during Shadow's Eve. It has some weird, spooky aura, you can't miss it.

Shadow's Eve 2024 5/10: Now that that's done, I'll need to ensure my safety to get everything ready. Shadow's Eve is a dangerous time for cats, so if you could clear out some of those nasty Wolves and Werewolves that would be pawsitively delightful. The wolves should only be in the Cursed Vale thanks to a certain someone's diligence, so look there for them. Try not to get bitten just yet.

Craft a Delve Gateway: Wolves’ Den

Shadow's Eve 2024 6/10: I hope you've gotten used to being around wolves, Trovian, because now it's time for you to visit their den. Yes, you'll need to get cursed to help me cure my curse. I don't know why, it just works that way. Don't worry, you'll be fine. To get cursed you'll need to craft a Delve Gateway: Wolves’ Den. Craft one at the Shadowy Station in the Events area of the hub.

Defeat a Wolves’ Den Boss

Shadow's Eve 2024 7/10: Now go place that down and defeat one of the bosses of the Wolves' Den. Be sure to get cursed while you fight it. Why am I not doing this myself? I mean, it's dangerous fur a cat like me, and honestly this spot I'm in is really nice and I don't want to leave it. Maybe that's the cat speaking.

Cure the Curse by Crafting Elsphodel's Blessing