Rising Tides

Rise of the Sunseeker 7/10: Your strength gives me hope, Trovian. We must get you to Geode.\n\nTo that end, we should make this ship as speedy as possible. I borrowed a book on 'portals' from one of the merchants, and from what I read, the ore used in those should help us speed up the long journey home. Would you mind mining some for me?\n\nInfinium can be mined in Adventure worlds starting in Cursed Vale and continuing into Uber difficulty worlds.

Great Trovian Bake-off 4/9: At the fanciest Faerie cafes, you can find monte blancs topped with shaved Infinium flakes. You Trovians don't know what you're missing.\n\nInfinium can be mined in Adventure worlds starting in Cursed Vale and continuing into Uber difficulty worlds.

Luxion is Missing! 2/8: Hmm, I haven't found any obvious yet. Let's try gathering another thing Luxion loves - Infinium!\n\nInfinium can be mined in Adventure worlds starting in Cursed Vale and continuing into Uber difficulty worlds.

DNT Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Geode Adventure World at Pure Midnight (11) difficulty.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for ???Crystal equipment???.

DNT Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Geode Adventure World at Uber Twilight (12) difficulty.\n\nComplete dungeons in this world for ???Crystal equipment???.

Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Difficulty 12 Adventure World, where Sunseekers continue the fight against the forces of Shadow who have taken over Geode's surface.\n\nClear Dungeons for a chance to earn Crystal gear. Defeat bosses for Cosmic Gem Boxes.

Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Difficulty 13 Adventure World, where Sunseekers continue the fight against the forces of Shadow who have taken over Geode's surface.\n\nClear Dungeons for a chance to earn Crystal gear. Defeat bosses for Cosmic Gem Boxes.

Hi Trovian, I'm Gemsly, Qubesly's cousin! Gems are my love and my curse and I would be honored if you let me teach you about them. You can find Gem Boxes by completing dungeons in any Uber difficulty or higher Adventure world. Go find a few so I can teach you a bit about how Gems work.

Head to the Drowned worlds for your next mission. Open the Atlas with [HK:Atlas]. Drowned worlds can be found off of the Candorian (Shade (5) difficulty) world. You can enter a world as soon as you reach the required power rank, so make sure to equip your gems! You will earn more adventure experience if you are within the suggested level range for the world.

Head to the Drowned worlds for your next mission. The Atlas can be accessed from the menu [HK:NavigationMenu]. Drowned worlds can be found off of the Candorian (Shade (5) difficulty) world. You can enter a world as soon as you reach the required power rank, so make sure to equip your gems! You will earn more adventure experience if you are within the suggested level range for the world.