Tune Up
Lets take a look at the Gems Tab on your Character Sheet. You can find your Gems Tab by opening your character sheet (press and hold [HK:CharacterSheet]) and selecting the second tab with [HK:UIControllerButtonRB].
Allies provide a small boost in power; try equipping me (Gemsly), or any other powerful ally! Allies can be equipped from the Character Sheet, hold [HK:CharacterSheet]. Remember that [HK:UIControllerButtonA] equips an ally and [HK:UIControllerButtonY] equips an ally's style.
Squawk Red-Eye
Blue Barry
Mean Gene the Green
Black Beak
Alrighty, great, that should be more than enough Shapestone. Head back to the Hub (press and hold [HK:Homeworld]) and meet up with me over in the Crafter's Corner to the Northwest of the Landing Pad.
Black Beak's Flag
A banner to show defeat of Black Beak.
Blue Barry's Flag