June 4 - 2020
Earned when defeating Sunfest invaders while representing House Carys.\n\nUnspent coins will disappear at the end of Sunfest.
Redeem at Qubesly in the hub for a badge signifying loyalty to one of three Trovian dragons and their Houses\n\nThis token will disappear at the end of Sunfest.
Carys House Badge
Authorizes its bearer to collect Carysian Ducats on behalf of House Carys while displayed.\n\nActivating grants 5 Movement Speed and summons a friend to follow you until you switch worlds.\n\nThis badge will be revoked at the end of Sunfest.
Panatea House Badge
Authorizes its bearer to collect Panatean Antes on behalf of House Panatea while displayed.\n\nActivating grants 15 Magic Find and summons a friend to follow you until you switch worlds.\n\nThis badge will be revoked at the end of Sunfest.
Tysorion House Badge
Authorizes its bearer to collect Marks of Ty on behalf of House Tysorion while displayed.\n\nActivating grants 3 Jump and summons a friend to follow you until you switch worlds.\n\nThis badge will be revoked at the end of Sunfest.
Carys Special Agent Badge
Summons a special Carys friend to follow you for a minute.\n\nThis special badge can be used once every 10 minutes.