Bomber Royale - Season 2
Bobble Pod Plants can be harvested once for a Bobble Pod.\n\nBobble Pod Plants wither after 3 hours if they are not harvested first.
Luxion's Style Stash
Unlock a random Seasonal, Event, Pinata, or Luxion equipment style you don't already have unlocked.
Extras of this Style Stash can be loot collected.
Choose your Summer Look
Splendid Summer 1/6: Hi Trovian, it's me Amberine! We don't have seasons on Geode but Trove never seems to stop changing and becoming more beautiful. You should be proud of your planet and of yourself. Choose a summer look to celebrate!
Take down Trovians in Bomber Royale
Splendid Summer 2/6: The best place to show off your look is on the Bomber Royale victory screen. Take out some other Trovians and see if you can come out the victor.
Complete Club Adventures
Splendid Summer 3/6: Showing off and being proud shouldn't be about fighting though. It should be about you. Make other Trovians proud too by helping them out. Complete Club Adventures to give back to your community.
Complete Outpost Adventures