Has a bad habit of suddenly appearing and disappearing whenever you blink.
Batting Eye
Olho Rebatedor
Flittermouse Familiar
Morcego Doméstico
Not entirely comfortable in the light, but it seems to want to be friends.
Shifty Shadowbat
Morcego Sombrio Manhoso
It seems quite enamored with you.
Parece estar bem encantado por você
Buzzy Beefriend
Amiga Abelhuda
Given its size, its metabolism is out of this world. Or at least it would be, if it were alive.
Dado seu tamanho, seu metabolismo é de fora deste mundo. Ou pelo menos seria, se estivesse vivo.
Knowledge is wealth. Wealth is overrated.
Conhecimento é riqueza. Riqueza é superestimada.