This limited time pack unlocks the Haunted Writer Costume, Matching Pen spear Style, the Graceful Quills Wings, the Gliding Grimoire and Lustrous Lamp Allies, as well as the Ancient Raven and Tacky Typewriter Mounts!
Purchase before the book closes on this deal!
Brilliant Books
Wild Trovian Mana: +1000 Carrying Capacity!
Wild Trovian Mana: +100 Carrying Capacity!
Increases the carrying capacity for the following resources by #; G, H, I
Increases the carrying capacity for the following resources by #; D, E, F
Increases the carrying capacity for the following resources by #; J, K, L
Increases the carrying capacity for the following resources by #; A, B, C
Show off your inventiveness with this look!
Ally: Creator's Protected Wagon
Mount: Creator's Flying Machine
Boat: Gallivanting Galleon
Pirate Captain Costume: Cubical Creator
Creator's Collection