Rising Tides: Release the Kraken!
Runic Chain
Runic Chain
Depth Stepper: Deep Kraken
Depth Stepper: Deep Kraken
Place and interact with this Depth Stepper to begin a Delve where the Shadowy Soul Vault will be replaced with a RUNIC DEPTHS VAULT, guarded ONE OR MORE TIMES by the DEEP KRAKEN!
Invites: Up to 8 Players total
Mounts: Delve Restricted
Min Depth: 175
このDepth Stepperを設置して使用する事で、 DEEP KRAKENがRunic Depths Vaultを"一回以上"守っているDelveを開始できます! \n\n招待: 合計8プレイヤーまで \nマウント: Delve用のみ \n最低深度: 175
Requires collection of 'The Depths' Fish:
- Abyssal Seahorse
- Deepstone Fish
- Toxic Lichenstone Fish
- Pyric Blowfish
- Runeslate Fish
- Zephyr Muscle
The Depthsの魚の収集が必要です: - Abyssal Seahorse - Deepstone Fish - Toxic Lichenstone Fish - Pyric Blowfish - Runeslate Fish - Zephyr Muscle
Haunted Writer
Haunted Writer
A costume for the Revenant.
Best writer, poet, editor, and literary critic of a few centures in a row.
, the Irradiant Hero
, the Irradiant Hero
, the Ashen Reclaimer
, the Ashen Reclaimer
Brilliant Books
Brilliant Books
This limited time pack unlocks the Haunted Writer Costume, Matching Pen spear Style, the Graceful Quills Wings, the Gliding Grimoire and Lustrous Lamp Allies, as well as the Ancient Raven and Tacky Typewriter Mounts!
Purchase before the book closes on this deal!
この期間限定パックでは、「Haunted Writer」の衣装、「Matching Pen」の槍スタイル、「Graceful Quills」の翼、「Gliding Grimoire」と「Lustrous Lamp」のペット、更に「Ancient Raven」と「Tacky Typewriter」のマウントがアンロックされます! 本が閉じてしまう前にぜひお買い求めください!