Rising Tides - Hotfix #5
Forget the cow, this baby'll jump over two moons!
Irradiant Mechano-Glider
Irradiant Mechano-Glider
Space-age materials lighten the load enough to stay aloft even without power.
Resilient Waste-Wanderer
Resilient Waste-Wanderer
Friendly, despite its devilish countenance.
Slowpoke Hoverjet
Slowpoke Hoverjet
Designed and built by Qubesly, with help and support from citizens of the Sundered Uplands, and Trovians like you.
Qubeslyによって設計および構築され、Sundered Uplandsの市民、およびあなたのようなTrovianの助けと支援を受けています。
Jeweled Jumper
Jeweled Jumper
A dazzling marvel, a pure delight.
Mothwing Nightlion
Mothwing Nightlion