November 2022

Surfin' Snowfest 1/6: Trovian, it's good to see ya again. You may have noticed the Hub is a bit different this year. That's because it can't always be snowing during Snowfest everywhere in Trove. This year the Hub happens to be where it's warmer, but don't worry about me, it's always cool wherever I am. That said you should try and spread some cheer in the warmer parts of Trove this year, and there's no better way than snowballs. You'll need to bring your own though as there wont be any snow where you're going. Come to the Snowfest Table in the Events area of the Hub and craft some Saged Snowballs.
サーフィンスノーフェスト1/6:トロビアン、また会えてうれしいです。今年はハブが少し違うことに気づいたかもしれません。これは、Troveのどこでもスノーフェスト中に常に雪が降るとは限らないためです。今年のハブはたまたま暖かい場所ですが、私のことを心配しないでください、どこにいてもいつも涼しいです。 とはいえ、今年はTroveの暖かい地域で応援を広める必要があり、雪玉よりも良い方法はありません。あなたが行くところに雪が降らないので、あなたはあなた自身のものを持参する必要があるでしょう。ハブのイベントエリアにあるスノーフェストテーブルに来て、セージスノーボールを作りましょう。

Use Saged Snowballs in the Treasure Isles.
Use Saged Snowballs in the Treasure Isles.

Surfin' Snowfest 2/6: Saged Snowballs are great, they're enchanted against melting and are so powerful they can turn lava to ice. Now that you're prepared, head to the Treasure Isles. Once you're there throw some Saged Snowballs to show 'em how fun Snowfest can be!

Hop on your Boat.
Hop on your Boat.

Surfin' Snowfest 3/6: The treasure isles are great, if not a bit warm. There's water as far as the eye can see and treasure for those willing to look hard enough. How about you hop on your boat and sail the seas.

Catch Some Fish.
Catch Some Fish.

Surfin' Snowfest 4/6: Boating is great, but you can't really do it in the Permafrost since all the water is frozen. Another thing you can't do very well there is fish! The Treasure Isles have plenty of them though, so how about you try and catch a few. Thankfully it's easy to do from a boat as long as you're not moving.

Save some Horned Rumpfus.
Save some Horned Rumpfus.

Surfin' Snowfest 5/6: Trovian I'm getting some unfortunate reports that Horned Rumpfus have been spotted in the Treasure Isles. That's not good, Horned Rumpfus are what happens when a yeti gets too warm and the ice on their fur melts. When the ice melts they get hot, which makes them angry, which makes them dangerous. Thankfully Saged Snowballs can cover them in ice AND teleport them back to the Permafrost. It's a good thing we prepared for this obvious course of events. It's not luck as long as you knew it was coming, and you and I obviously knew this was coming. Yep nothing surprises us. So you obviously know the next step is finding the Horned Rumpfus and throwing Saged Snowballs at them, because that was the plan we had all along.
サーフィンスノーフェスト5/6:トロビアン トレジャーアイルズでホーンドランプフスが発見されたという不幸な報告を受けています。それは良くありません、角のあるランプファスはイエティが暖かくなりすぎて毛皮の氷が溶けたときに起こることです。氷が溶けると熱くなり、怒り、危険になります。ありがたいことに、セージスノーボールはそれらを氷で覆い、永久凍土にテレポートすることができます。 この明白な一連の出来事に備えて準備したのは良いことです。あなたがそれが来ることを知っていた限り、それは運ではありません、そしてあなたと私は明らかにこれが来ることを知っていました。うん、何も私たちを驚かせません。ですから、次のステップはホーンドランプファスを見つけて、セージスノーボールを投げることです。

Use Warm Fuzzy Feeling.
Use Warm Fuzzy Feeling.