Sunrise Hotfix 3

Wonderful, the saved wolves still have Lunar Condensate! That's marvelous. Together with the Acolytes I have discovered how to forge a Solar Seal. They are similar to the Lunar Seals from the Order of the Moon, but with the power of the Sun and Moon Goddess they should bring those Alphas down to size. Craft one at the Radiant Dayspring.

Defeat an Alpha
Defeat an Alpha

Now that you have a Solar Seal we must test it. Find one of the Alphas roaming the Everdark. Run up to it and use the Solar Seal so that it can feel the power of the Sun and Moon Goddess. Elysia has promised the Void will shrink in terror become vulnerable to the power of the Light of the Sun and Moon. And when it is weakened, defeat the Alpha and send these rabid beasts back to their master.

Complete Lunar Plunge Dailies
Complete Lunar Plunge Dailies

They don't seem so tough anymore do they? No matter how many times Q'bthulhu tries they will never defeat Trove. We will continue the fight, here and in the Fae Forest, until the end of Lunar Plunge. You should keep up the fight as well. See the acolytes in either place and fight back against the Void. As for me, one of those Alphas took a bite out of me earlier. I think it's time to go settle the score personally. For Elysia!
彼らはもうそれほどタフに見えませんか?クブトゥルフが何度試みても、彼らは決してトローブを倒すことはありません。私たちは、こことフェイフォレストで、月のプランジが終わるまで戦い続けます。あなたも戦い続けるべきです。どちらかの場所でアコライトを見て、ボイドと戦ってください。 私に関しては、それらのアルファの一人が以前に私から一口食べました。個人的にスコアを確定する時が来たと思います。エリシアのために!

Sunfall Pack
Sunfall Pack

Rage against the dying of the light! Contains the Crow Crusher and Frostbitten Falconer costumes, the Toad S. Tool and Watt's Uplands Dog allies, the Incompetent Irradiant Sentry mount, the Ashen Sail and the Frond Ferry ship.
光の滅びに怒れ!Contains the Crow CrusherとFrostbitten Falconerコスチューム、Toad S. ToolとWatt's Uplands Dogペット、Incompetent Irradiant Sentryマウント、Ashen Sail and the Frond Ferryの船が含まれています。

Wild Wolf Pack
Wild Wolf Pack

This limited time pack unlocks the Fenlil ally, the Granny's Bed and Wiley Wolf mounts, the Timber Wolf Magrider, the Piggy Place framework (recipe and one ready to place), and the Granny Trickster, Crimson Cape, and Sheepish Wolf Costumes. Get them before they finish howling!
この期間限定パックでは、ペットのFenlil、Granny's BedとWiley Wolfのマウント、Timber Wolfのマグライダー、Piggy Placeフレームワーク (レシピとすぐに配置できる 1 つ)、Granny Trickster、Crimson Cape、そしてSheepish Wolfのコスチュームがアンロックされます。 彼らが遠吠えを終える前に、彼らを捕まえてください!

There are too many claims to claim all at once. Please try again.
一度に行われる請求が多すぎます。 もう一度やり直してください。