
Solarion Flare Pack
Solarion Flare Pack

Show off your flare!\n\nContains the Solarion class, the DJ Dub Sol costume, the Phoemini ally, the Complacent Ashen Devourer mount, the Fiery Feather wings, the Sundercharge Crystal Compendium legendary tome, the Ashfern Sporeling Album normal tome, and 50 Sundercharge Crystals.
フレアを見せびらかしましょう!\n\nソラリオン クラス、DJ Dub Solコスチューム、ペットのPhoemini、Complacent Ashen Devourerマウント、Fiery Featherウイング、Sundercharge Crystal Compendiumの伝説の学術書、Ashfern Sporeling Albumの学術書、Sundercharge Crystal 50個が含まれています。

Greater Sundered Uplands Cache
Greater Sundered Uplands Cache

Contains Ashen or Irradiant resources found in the Sundered Uplands including Ashen and Irradiant Souls, Golden Scrolls, Sundercharge Crystals, and Sunder-Ark Cache Keys or (rare) tradable mounts, allies, or wings!
Ashen and Irradiant Souls、Golden Scrolls、Sundercharge Crystals、Sunder-Ark Cache Keys、または (ごくまれに) トレード可能なマウント、味方、または翼を含む、Sundered Uplands で見つかった Ashen または Irradiant リソースが含まれています!

11 Greater Sundered Uplands Caches
11 Greater Sundered Uplands Caches

Contains Ashen or Irradiant resources found in the Sundered Uplands including Ashen and Irradiant Souls, Golden Scrolls, Sundercharge Crystals, and Sunder-Ark Cache Keys or (rare) tradable mounts, allies, or wings!
Ashen and Irradiant Souls、Golden Scrolls、Sundercharge Crystals、Sunder-Ark Cache Keys、または (ごくまれに) トレード可能なマウント、味方、または翼を含む、Sundered Uplands で見つかった Ashen または Irradiant リソースが含まれています!

33 Greater Sundered Uplands Caches
33 Greater Sundered Uplands Caches

Contains Ashen or Irradiant resources found in the Sundered Uplands including Ashen and Irradiant Souls, Golden Scrolls, Sundercharge Crystals, and Sunder-Ark Cache Keys or (rare) tradable mounts, allies, or wings! Also contains one Golden Sundered Uplands Cache, which contains a guaranteed rare result from a Greater Sundered Uplands Cache.
Ashen and Irradiant Souls、Golden Scrolls、Sundercharge Crystals、Sunder-Ark Cache Keys、または (まれに) トレード可能なマウント、味方、または翼を含む、Sundered Uplands で見つかった Ashen または Irradiant リソースが含まれています! また、Golden Sundered Uplands Cache が 1 つ含まれています。これには、Greater Sundered Uplands Cache からのレアなアイテムが必ず含まれています。

Long Shade
Long Shade
