Shadowy Spotlight

Snowfestivus 5/10. That was easy. There are giant festive trees suddenly everywhere for some reason. Go show me you can take down the snowsquatches there. Meh, actually any dungeon will do.
Snowfestivus 5/10. That was easy. There are giant festive trees suddenly everywhere for some reason. Go show me you can take down the snowsquatches there. Meh, actually any dungeon will do.

Snowfestivus 6/10. Not bad! Snowflakes huh? Bet they'd come in handy to destroy an evil robot's fire shield someday. Nah, that's crazy talk. Now, do you have the strength to… destroy blocks!?! I doubt it!
Snowfestivus 6/10. Not bad! Snowflakes huh? Bet they'd come in handy to destroy an evil robot's fire shield someday. Nah, that's crazy talk. Now, do you have the strength to… destroy blocks!?! I doubt it!

Snowfestivus 7/10. You wonder why you're doing this? Keep wondering! I need glim, lots of fresh glim!
Snowfestivus 7/10. You wonder why you're doing this? Keep wondering! I need glim, lots of fresh glim!

Snowfestivus 8/10. Now we take some wood, those blocks, the glim, and make your very own Snowfestivus Log! You're welcome. Go run dungeons while I make it for you.
Snowfestivus 8/10. Now we take some wood, those blocks, the glim, and make your very own Snowfestivus Log! You're welcome. Go run dungeons while I make it for you.

Snowfestivus 9/10. Little problem. It a fine log, but no power. It needs a spark. This will be awkward, but you have to, well, die, to light it.
Snowfestivus 9/10. Little problem. It a fine log, but no power. It needs a spark. This will be awkward, but you have to, well, die, to light it.

Snowfestivus 10/10. Nice pole. Er, log. Ride it in good health! Now complete Challenges and I will see you next Snowfestivus. Don't disappoint me!
Snowfestivus 10/10. Nice pole. Er, log. Ride it in good health! Now complete Challenges and I will see you next Snowfestivus. Don't disappoint me!

Meet Qubesly in the Hub

St. Qubeslick's Feast 1/10: Trovian! How is your stomach? I have some plans this year for St. Qubeslick! Meet me in the hub near the Events area!

Collect St. Qubeslick's Sevenspice
St. Qubeslick's Sevenspiceを集める

St. Qubeslick's Feast 2/10: This year I wanted to teach you how to bake the Feast of St. Qubeslick! The first step of the recipe is the fabled Sevenspice of St. Qubeslick! I've got enough to get you started, but it comes from the TREASURE ISLES biome in Adventure Worlds! You'll need to get the last of it yourself.