Shadowy Spotlight

Used to craft rare chaotic collectibles at the Chaos Core Crafter.\n\nAcquire from Chaos Chests and by Loot Collecting Chaos Chests rewards.
Chaos Core Crafterにてレアなカオスコレクタブルを作成するために使用されます。\n\nChaos Chestの報酬を分解するか、Chaos Chestから獲得できます。

Gifted to Qubesly during the Shadow's Eve 2017 event. Due to the magic of the season, can be Loot Collected back into raw pumpkins if extras are baked!
シャドウズイヴのイベント中にキューブスリーに与えられる。余ったものはこの季節の魔法により分解して、 生のカボチャに戻すことができる。

Gifted to the Suntouched Shimmerwing during the Awakening the Dawn event. Its magical properties allow it to be Loot Collected back into the base materials if additional threads are created.

Loot Collect this at the Loot Collector to turn it into the new fragments!

Loot Collect this at the Loot Collector to turn it into the new fragments!

Loot Collect this at the Loot Collector to turn it into the new fragments!

Loot Collect this at the Loot Collector to turn it into the new fragments!

Loot Collect this at the Loot Collector to turn it into the new fragments!

Loot Collect this at the Loot Collector to turn it into the new fragments!

Loot Collect this at the Loot Collector to turn it into the new fragments!