Defeat Savicious
Defeat Wrex
Defeat Cera
Defeat the Crimsin Crow
Crimsin Crowを倒す
Defeat Q'berus
Defeat the Shadebound Crook
Shadebound Crookを倒す
Defeat the Werewolf Huntmaster
Werewolf Huntmasterを倒す
Defeat the Daughter of the Moon
Daughter of the Moonを倒す
Paragon Levels 3/6: Using Trovian Loops, Primal Loops, other materials, and a Ringcrafting skill of 300, you can now craft a Signatory ringbox for a Crystal ring! Craft one by visiting a Ringcrafting bench, such as the one in the Paragon's Palace below the Club House
パラゴンレベル 3/6: Trovian LoopやPrimal Loop、その他素材を使い、Ringcraftingのスキルを300まで上げれば、クリスタルリングが入手できるSignature Ringboxをクラフトできるようになります! クラブハウスの地下のパラゴンパレスにあるようなRingcrafting Benchまで来て、1つクラフトしてみましょう
Craft a SIGNATORY Ringbox
Signature Ringboxをクラフトする