Enter a Fae Forest World
Fae Forestワールドへ
Open your Bags by pressing [HK:Inventory] then [HK:InventoryTransferItem] to equip.
[HK:Inventory] を押してバッグを開き、[HK:InventoryTransferItem] を装備しよう。
Equip More Loot
Open your Bags by pressing [HK:Inventory] then [HK:InventoryTransferItem] to equip.
[HK:Inventory] を押してバッグを開き、[HK:InventoryTransferItem] で装備します。
Equip Your Loot
Absolute D'hevistation 1/8: Greetings, Trovian! I'm Saratheon the Darkmoon. Would you like a cookie? I baked them myself! Wait, I'm getting distracted. The D'hev! Yes, the D'hev are our caretakers but lately they've been too busy to take care of their allies - namely me and all my friends. Can you help us? We have some nice gifts to give you in return. \n\nSaratheon the Darkmoon needs cupcakes for a picnic with Tiny Tea Rex. Cupcakes can be found in Candoria Adventure worlds as drops or growing out of the terrain. Items acquired via a Trading Post or the Marketplace will not count.
Collect Cupcakes
Absolute D'hevistation 2/8: Hey, Saratheon says you're helping us out. Thank the Builder because I am STARVING. We spacebugs will eat pretty much anything, but my favorite thing is Enchanted Wood. Mmm, it's magically crunchy.\n\nSkittering Spacebug wants you to bring him some Enchanted Wood, which can be found growing in Medieval Highlands, Cursed Vale, and Fae Forest biomes. Items acquired via a Trading Post or the Marketplace will not count.
Collect Enchanted Wood
Enchanted Woodを集める
Absolute D'hevistation 3/8: I'm trying to enjoy my picnic with Saratheon but there are just so many bugs - specifically bees and fireflies - everywhere I look. It's too distracting. I just can't enjoy myself!\n\nTiny Tea Rex is too stressed out by bees and fireflies to enjoy her picnic with Saratheon. The flying pests can be found in Medieval Highlands biomes.