Cave Hybrid's Trove
Cave Hybrid's Trove

Contains a Crystals, Mystical Heckbug Eggs, sometimes a Heckbug Bomber Royale Bomb style, and rarely a Cave Crawler Critter.
クリスタル、神秘的なHeckbug Egg、時にはHeckbug Bomber Royale Bomb style、そしてまれにCave Crawler Critterが含まれています。

Mystical Heckbug's Trove
Mystical Heckbug's Trove

Contains decorations used in the Wolves' Den.

Wolves' Den Decoration Box
Wolves' Den Decoration Box

Contains Chaos Chests, Chaos Cores, or, rarely, Golden Chaos Chests.

Buried Treasure Box
Buried Treasure Box

Contains Chaos Chests, Chaos Cores, or, rarely, Golden Chaos Chests.
Contains Chaos Chests, Chaos Cores, or, rarely, Golden Chaos Chests.

Contains decoration objects from the Fae vs. Undead event.
Fae vs. Undead イベントの装飾オブジェクトが含まれています。

Tombs Decoration Treasure Box
Tombs Decoration Treasure Box