Rilassi's Boon 2018
Rilassi's Boon 2018

Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards!

Pirifario's Boon 2018
ピリファリオの恩恵 2018

Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Hungry Hydrakken Hatchling pet!
開けて便利なアイテムや、とてもレアなペットのHungry Hydrakken Hatchlingなどのすごい報酬を手にするチャンスを得よう!

Pirifario's Boon 2017
Pirifario's Boon 2017

Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards!

Dirami's Boon 2018
Dirami's Boon 2018

Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Snowfest Superyata mount!
開けて便利なアイテムや、とてもレアなSnowfest Superyataのマウントを含むすごい報酬を手にするチャンスを得よう!

Dirami's Boon 2017
Dirami's Boon 2017

Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards including a very rare chance at a Refined Raptor pet!
開けて便利なアイテムや、とてもレアなペットのRefined Raptorを含むすごい報酬を手にするチャンスを得よう!