Allows occasional collection of Ashfern Sporelings when defeating Ashen creatures in the Sundered Uplands.
Sundered UplandsでAshen creaturesを倒すときに、Ashfern Sporelingsを時折収集できます。
Eat to become temporarily immune to the Reflect damage ability of Ashen Spore-Spreaders in the Sundered Uplands.
食べると、Sundered UplandsのAshen Spore-Spreadersの反射ダメージ能力に一時的に免疫が与えられます。
"Clam" "Chow"
"Clam" "Chow"
When Equipped in the Auto-Use slot, allows Trovians the insight required to transform a currently active BUFF into a POTION RECIPE at the ALCHEMYSTIC'S LAB
自動使用スロットに装備すると、トロビアンはALCHEMYSTIC'S LABで現在アクティブなバフをポーションレシピに変換するために必要な洞察を得ることができます。
Alchemystic's Insight
Alchemystic's Insight