Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Ice Sage
Ice Sageのプライムパラゴンレベルを獲得する度に与えられます

Primal Loop: Ice Sage
Primal Loop: Ice Sage

Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Knight

Primal Loop: Knight
Primal Loop: Knight

Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Lunar Lancer
Lunar Lancerのプライムパラゴンレベルを獲得する度に与えられます

Primal Loop: Lunar Lancer
Primal Loop: Lunar Lancer

Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Neon Ninja
Neon Ninjaのプライムパラゴンレベルを獲得する度に与えられます

Primal Loop: Neon Ninja
Primal Loop: Neon Ninja

Awarded for each PRIME Paragon level earned as the Pirate Captain
Pirate Captainのプライムパラゴンレベルを獲得する度に与えられます

Primal Loop: Pirate Captain
Primal Loop: Pirate Captain