Temporary Title: the Unlucky?
Temporary Title: the Unlucky?
Temporary Title: the Loquacious
Temporary Title: the Loquacious
Temporary Title: the Magnetic
Temporary Title: the Magnetic
Temporary Title: the Magnificent
Temporary Title: the Magnificent
Temporary Title: the Been-Around
Temporary Title: the Been-Around
Temporary Title: the Meek
Temporary Title: the Meek
Craft to gain access to the 'the Chiral' title suffix.
「the Chiral」のtitle suffixにアクセスできるようにクラフトします。
Title: the Chiral
Title: the Chiral
Craft to gain access to the 'the Emotive' title suffix.
「the Emotive」のtitle suffixにアクセスできるようにクラフトします。
Title: the Emotive
Title: the Emotive