Temporary Title: the Rugged
Temporary Title: the Rugged
Temporary Title: the Sage
Temporary Title: the Sage
Temporary Title: the Sanguine
Temporary Title: the Sanguine
Temporary Title: the Satyr
Temporary Title: the Satyr
Temporary Title: the Silent
Temporary Title: the Silent
Temporary Title: the Stalwart
Temporary Title: the Stalwart
Craft to gain access to 'Lawful Evil' title prefix.
「Lawful Evil」のtitle prefixにアクセスできるようにクラフトします。
Title: Lawful Evil
Title: Lawful Evil
Craft to gain access to 'Lawful Good' title prefix.
「Lawful Good」のtitle prefixにアクセスできるようにクラフトします。
Title: Lawful Good
Title: Lawful Good