Donate Foraged Dragon Egg Fragments for Ashen Caches.
Foraged Dragon Egg FragmentをAshen Cachesに寄付する

Donate Foraged Dragon Egg Fragments
Foraged Dragon Egg Fragmentsを寄付する

Donate Irradiant Dragon Egg Fragments for Cloudy Caches.
Irradiant Dragon Egg FragmentをCloudy Cachesに寄付する

Donate Irradiant Dragon Egg Fragments
Irradiant Dragon Egg Fragmentの寄付

Donate Marks of the Angler at the Nautical Assembler for Angler's lures.
釣り人のルアーのためにNautical Assemblerで釣り人のMarkに寄付してください。

Mark of the Anglers Donation - Lures
Mark of the Anglers Donation - Lures

Donate Marks of the Angler at the Nautical Assembler for Premium Canned Fish.
Premium Canned FishのためにNautical Assemblerで釣り人のMarkに寄付してください。

Mark of the Anglers Donation - Canned Fish
Mark of the Anglers Donation - Canned Fish

Donate Marks of the Angler at the Nautical Assembler for Turtle Shells.
Nautical Assembler for Turtle ShellでMarks of the Angler を寄付します。

Mark of the Anglers Donation - Turtle Shells
Mark of the Anglers Donation - Turtle Shells