
Crack the Court

/mods <one of> enable disable list info resetconfig listconfig setconfig

Bunfest Daily Adventure: Those dang Shadowy Buns are going after Liv's hidden Eggs. You can find their bases anywhere her eggs are hidden: Geode Topside, Medieval Highlands, Candoria, and the Fae Forest.

Bunfest 2021

Recipe Stash: Bunfest '20

Unlock a random Bunfest 2020 recipe you don't already have unlocked.

{0} players summoning portal Stand close for faster summoning {1}%% completed

Captain's Quarry

This limited time pack unlocks the Mysterious Map, Sarah the First Mate Gull, and Ninja Log mounts, the Bunja, Pirabbit, Captain's Quarry, Empty Living Chest, Satiated Living Chest, and Rolling Star allies, and the Pi-Revenant and Pirrot Raiser costumes for the Revenant and Tomb Raiser. Pirates or Ninjas? Why not both!

Slow Resurrection Wave

Unless tombstone resurrected, all dead players will release at the same delayed time.