Lunar Leap
Throw Confetti
Friendsgiving 2021 8/8: We make a pretty awesome team Trovian! Feel free to keep on cooking up Special Orders and bring all of our friends to the hub, but don't forget to celebrate a bit yourself. Throw some confetti and party, you've earned it! I'll even throw in some Pumpkin Coins you can use at the Turkeytopia Table if you do!
Chaotic Collection Stash
Unlock a random Chaotic or Chaos Vault collection you don't already have unlocked. Does not include Chaotic Ships, Chaos Vault Ships, or Chaotic Sails.
You've already unlocked the Bard Pack. Now, upgrade yourself to Super!\n\nContains additional items from the Bard Super Pack: the Pegasooza mount, the DUBBard, Twangy Clangy, and Tremolonely costumes, and the Fervent Support ally!
Potluck Party
This limited time pack unlocks the 'Za Destroyer mount, the Zen-Zen, Fry Ferdinand, D.D. Dancealot, 'Burgers 13, 41, 52, 23, 15', and Mayor Oscar M. Ketchup allies, the Veggie House and Burger House (recipe and one ready to place), and the Layer Cake, Popcorn Fanatic, and Grill Master Costumes.
Get them before the party's over!