Deep Dragons
Raving Renewus
This limited time pack unlocks the Sneaky Lights ally, the Glinding Glow Striker and Radiant Night Light mounts, and the Raving Hunter, Rising Dead, and Party Spirit Costumes. As a bonus, the Confetti Jetti and Firework Fliers wings will also be unlocked.
Get them before the break of dawn!
Healthy Lunchbox
Treat yourself to some salubrious snacks that boost your stats. Includes a non-tradable 3-day patron pass, 3x Condensed Cave Milk and a collection of 6 freshly harvested vegetables (5 units each).
Gorgeous Gear
Everything you need to get your crystal gear into shape! Includes 375 Crystalline Core, 650 Forge Fragments, 5000 Nitro-Glitterine, 100 Tentacles, 22 Pearls of Wisdom, 10 Golden Souls and 5000 Glim.
Celesta's Call
Answer the call to adventure at the side of Celesta, your new fairy ally! Contains the Celesta ally, the flying Drakish Dekar mount, the Captain's Cavalier hat, and the Crocolyte and Steve Skillet Costumes.