Renewus is here!

Help Qubesly celebrate the new year!

Visit the Radiant Dayspring

Renewus 2023 1/7: Hi Trovian! Renewus is back and it's time to party! Head to the Radiant Dayspring in the Events area of the Hub! Press [HK:Loot] to interact.

Throw Confetti

Renewus 2023 2/7: Awesome! As you can see there's plenty of awesome stuff to craft here, but let's start by celebrating with some confetti. Craft some and throw it around like you just don't care!

Jump Around

Renewus 2023 3/7: Are you hyped yet? Because I am! Show your hype and jump around!

Defeat Pirrots in the Neon City and Luminopolis

Renewus 2023 4/7: Trovian, pleas for help are coming in from the Neon City and Luminopolis. The Pirrots of the Treasure Isles have long held a grudge against the Neon City and they've chosen Renewus as the perfect time to strike. With so many celebrating there's no one to defend the Neon Cities from the Pirrot's plundering. Go and help and fight back these invaders, you're their only hope!

Craft at the Radiant Dayspring

Renewus 2023 5/7: Trovian, you may have already noticed but these Pirrots are dropping their precious doubloons. If you head back to the Radiant Dayspring in the Hub you should be able to craft a new ship, the Neon Pearl, or convert them to Lucky Doubloons. Lucky Doubloons will help you fend off the Pirrots and the Neon Pearl will help you with what comes next. In the end craft anything in the General category that you think will help.

Defeat Dungeons in the Treasure Isles

Renewus 2023 6/7: Well Captain, it's finally time to take it to the scourge of the seas. Go to the Treasure Isles and show the Pirrots there that no attack on Trove will go unaswered.

Hit the Renewus Orb

Renewus 2023 7/7: Well done Trovian. The Pirrot raids continue, so feel free to put your captain hat on and beat 'em up as much as you want, but don't sacrifice celebrating Renewus. Make sure to get to the Hub and hit the Renewus ball a few times to celebrate the new year!

A reward from the Renewus 2023 event.

Pirrot Doubloon
피롯 더블룬

Treasure from the Treasure Isles. Dropped by Pirrots in the Neon City and Luminopolis during Renewus 2023. Used to craft neon collections at the Radiant Dayspring.
보물섬의 보물. 리뉴어스 2023 동안 네온 시티와 루미노폴리스의 피롯(Pirrot)이 떨어뜨립니다. 빛나는 여명에서 네온 컬렉션을 만드는 데 사용됩니다.

Lucky Doubloon

On use, increases your Magic Find by 50, Physical Damage by 10%, and Magical Damage by 10% for one hour. Dropped by Pirrots defeated in the Neon City and Luminopolis.