Obtained from the Forbidden Spires, but if and only if the 'Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:WelcomeScreen])

Obtained from the Forbidden Spires, but if and only if the 'Duraveln - the Bamboo Dragon' event is currently ACTIVE (check the /welcome screen! [HK:NavigationMenu])

Bamboo Shoot

Acquired rarely from within the halls of the Castle Catastra Delve biome.

Heirloom Gemerald

Disgusting on a variety of levels...\n\nObtained rarely from Dungeons in the Fae Forest, and more commonly from Nigh Impenetrable Garbage Piles in the TREASURE ISLES biome.\n\nUsed by Bin Chickens in the Fae Forest.

Salty Trash

One bird's trash is another bird's treasure!\n\nCrafted by the amazingly adaptive and efficient Bin Chickens, currently found scattered throughout the FAE FOREST biome.\n\nThey may need a little encouragement before they're willing to craft for you, though...

Tidal Treasure

Iridescent. Obtained from an eerie descent.