Have you seen the Sundered Ark-Caches? They show up when you complete a boss wave in a 5-star Dungeon, but you need a key to open them.
Open a Sunder-Ark Cache
Our Ashfern Sporelings have spread across the Sundered Uplands, Trovian. As they cleanse the land of its corruption, they grow and thrive! Collect them to help us complete our lifecycle and heal this land!
Collect Ashfern Sporelings
Make a Luminopolis Donation
Hey Trovian, Snowfest is a good time of year for someone who knows what's up. Do you? Let me school ya' a bit. Each year Present Dungeons pop up all over Trove, all full of fun stuff. If you're someone with skills you can clean 'em out and make a nice little profit. So how 'bout it? Easy jobs are the best jobs.
Complete a Present Dungeon
Seek out a Present Dungeon and clear it out.
Each year Snowfest Trees appear all over Trove, each year Trovians are sent to clear them out. This year is no different hero. Find the Trees and clear them out.
Complete a Snowfest Tree Dungeon