We all get lost sometimes....

VERIDIUM. That's all I need to be done with this planet, but I can't find it. Maybe you will have better luck, mind helping me out? Mine VERIDIUM to unlock trading it with the Overtasked Disciple in the Hub when he needs it.

Mine Veridium

You'd think you could find green in a sea of red.

Your service is appreciated, but your work is never done.

UNSIGHTLY WEEDS, everywhere I look instead of glorious fae fauna I see weeds. This is unacceptable. When I screamed for the gardner I was informed that I had fired the gardener. Given that, I must find a replacement. You seem capable. As regeant of all of the Fae that I can see I conscript you to pull every UNSIGHTLY WEED you can see. Find and pull weeds from the ground in the CURSED VALE, FAE FOREST, JURASSIC JUNGLE, and FORBIDDEN SPIRES.

Remove Unsightly Weeds

Unisghtly, unwanted, and most importantly, unaccecptable.