
Find Qubesly

Sebastian will be out there somewhere in the Peaceful Hills. Once he realizes his feed trough is full, he'll make his way back here at his own pace. Letting him smell you should be enough.

Find Sebastian

For Gear you aren't interested in using, you can LOOT COLLECT it. You can craft a Loot Collector from the Novice Crafter's Bench on your Cornerstone, but they can be found elsewhere, too! Find a Loot Collector and use it to deconstruct something!

Loot Collect Gear

Perfect! He's slow, but I'm sure he'll be back here before too long. Next, I'd like you to MINE some SHAPESTONE ORE. When in BUILD MODE [HK:SwitchInputMode], you can MINE by holding [HK:BuildModeDestroy]. Finding the ore should be easy, as it's bright pink in color--be sure to check any caves, caverns, and crevasses you come across! Use [HK:SwitchInputMode] again to switch from Build Mode back into Adventure Mode!

Mine Shapestone Ore

Now that good ole' Slow Sebastian is ready to ride, he's all yours! Mounting is simple, just use [HK:EquipMount]! I can tell you two will be fast friends!

Now that good ole' Slow Sebastian is ready to ride, he's all yours! Mounting is simple, just tap [HK:Move]! I can tell you two will be fast friends!

Mount Up