
컵케이크 왕 벽장식 트로피\n[Cupcake Caliph Wall Trophy]

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가보자, 친구야.

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타이소리온 팀 뱃지\n[Tysorion House Badge]

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소원의 힘 제작하기

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태양의 신전

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칠면조 아이템 상자\n[Turkey Stuffin' Box]

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언더스택스 지형 전용 개인 광산을 설치하여 대기열에 참가할 수 있습니다.\n\n초대: 본인 포함 최대 8명\n이동수단: 광산 전용 탈 것과 날개

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케찰코아툴루스의 뼈\n[Quetzalcoaltus Bone]

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The Allies of the D'hev need your help, Trovian!

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Battle Broker

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Open for useful items and a chance at epic rewards!

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Buy Something

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Qubesly says,

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Fall Grass

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행운의 공룡 뒷다리살\n[Luckbeast Haunch]

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야생림 요정 전사무리[Wild Fae Warrioresses]

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유용한 팁

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신규 플레이어 출석 보너스 (DAY 6)

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