Rising Tides
Sundered Uplands 5-Star Boss (Wave 109, Deep Fallow)
Sundered Uplands 5-Star Boss (Wave 113, Deep Fallow)
For the next hour Ashen Devourers you attack will become empowered.
Empowered Ashen Devourers deal more damage and use new attacks, and will always drop a Foraged Dragon Egg Fragment if defeated in an Deep Fallow (14) world.
Crafting this while under its effects will refresh the duration of the buff granted to one hour.
WARNING: Ashen Devourers below 75% health will not become empowered.
For the next hour Ashen Blastflowers you attack will become empowered.
Empowered Ashen Blastflowers will now sometimes spawn an Empowered Ashen Thresher. Defeating Empowered Ashen Thresher will always drop a Foraged Dragon Egg Fragment if defeated in an Deep Fallow (11) world.
Crafting this while under its effects will refresh the duration of the buff granted to one hour.
For the next hour Irradiant Sky Giant Admirals you attack will become empowered.
Empowered Irradiant Sky Giant Admirals deal more damage and use new attacks, and will always drop an Irradiant Dragon Egg Fragment if defeated in an Deep Fallow (11) world.
Crafting this while under its effects will refresh the duration of the buff granted to one hour.
WARNING: Irradiant Sky Giant Admirals below 75% health will not become empowered.
Mega Dark (13) Water Gem Box
Deep Fallow (14) Water Gem Box
Mega Dark (13) Gem Box
Deep Fallow (14) Gem Box
Mega Dark (13) Fire Gem Box