Rising Tides
Just a regular centaur. Can be rarely found in Uber Twilight (12) and higher adventure worlds.
A friendly shmeep. Can be rarely found in Pure Midnight (11) and higher adventure worlds.
A friendly shmeep. Can be rarely found in Pure Midnight (11) and higher adventure worlds.
Awakening the Dawn 1/8: A letter has arrived that appears to be from the Suntouched Shimmerwing. It reads, 'Greetings, Trovian. Elysia has told me the time has come and so I have begun to spin a cocoon of pure light for myself. However, I need your help to complete my metamorphosis.' \n\nSunlight Bulbs grow in the Peaceful Hills biomes in Uber difficulty worlds and higher. Look for the giant sunflower tower to find them.
Awakening the Dawn 6/8: Infinium is precious to the Sun Goddess. I grow stronger in its glow. Please mine Infinium Ore to strengthen my defenses and bring the light of Elysia.\n\nInfinium Ore is most commonly found in Uber difficulty Worlds such as the Fae Wilds and Candoria.
Rise of the Sunseeker 7/10: Your strength gives me hope, Trovian. We must get you to Geode.\n\nTo that end, we should make this ship as speedy as possible. I borrowed a book on 'portals' from one of the merchants, and from what I read, the ore used in those should help us speed up the long journey home. Would you mind mining some for me?\n\nInfinium can be mined in Adventure worlds starting in Cursed Vale and continuing into Uber difficulty worlds.
Great Trovian Bake-off 4/9: At the fanciest Faerie cafes, you can find monte blancs topped with shaved Infinium flakes. You Trovians don't know what you're missing.\n\nInfinium can be mined in Adventure worlds starting in Cursed Vale and continuing into Uber difficulty worlds.
Luxion is Missing! 2/8: Hmm, I haven't found any obvious yet. Let's try gathering another thing Luxion loves - Infinium!\n\nInfinium can be mined in Adventure worlds starting in Cursed Vale and continuing into Uber difficulty worlds.
Deep Fallow
Summon a spear from the heavens that increases Stability and Movement Speed, additionally applies an healing over time buff to allies. It also damages enemies caught in the area. Costs Moon Power.