June 4 - 2020
Consume all Restless Souls to attract Skellittles to fight for you. If you already have 6 Skellittles your excess Restless Souls will instead choose a Skellittle to possess for 30 seconds, causing them to take and deal increased damage.
모든 망자의 영혼을 소모해 위에 해골 병사를 지배 상태로 만듭니다. 이미 6마리의 해골 병사 지배 상태라면 30초 동안 추가 피해와 피해량이 증가합니다.
Decorative. This delicate Fae flower requires green torch light to grown.
장식용 식물\n이 연약한 요정꽃이 자라기 위해서는 초록색 횃불의 불빛이 필요합니다.
Light the darkness.\n\nCraftable at the Highlands Workbench.
어둠을 밝히는 횃불입니다.\n\n고원지대 작업대에서 제작할 수 있습니다.
You defeated {0} in {1} this week!
이번 주에 {0} 을(를) {1} 만에 처치했습니다.
보상: {0} {1}
You must be Power Rank {0} or higher to gain loot.
파워 랭크가 {0} 이상이어야만 전리품과 보상을 받을 수 있습니다.
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 2/6: It is good to see you little one. Now that you are here I beseech you, please take one of these items off of my claws.
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 2/6: It is good to see you little one. Now that you are here I beseech you, please take one of these items off of my claws.
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 3/6: More Dragon Coins. You need more Dragon Coins. Complete all three tiers of an hourly challenge and I will reward you handsomely.
Luxion's Spring Cleaning 3/6: More Dragon Coins. You need more Dragon Coins. Complete all three tiers of an hourly challenge and I will reward you handsomely.
Delicious, but perishable.\n\nLeftover Sunfest Cake will disappear at the end of Sunfest.
맛있지만 상하기 쉽니다.\n\n태양의 축제 케이크는 태양의 축제가 끝나면 사라집니다.
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