A reconstructed piece of alien technology. It whirs gently, and is warm to the touch.
A reconstructed piece of alien technology. It whirs gently, and is warm to the touch.
Data Projector
Data Projector
Like candy floss in water, it shimmers and disappears before your eyes.
물 속에 던진 솜사탕처럼, 가늘고 짧게 빛나다가 사라집니다.
Unstable Lunar Condensate
불안정한 달 응축액\n[Unstable Lunar Condensate]
Takes all of your Sticks to rebuild the bonfire as big as possible!
가능한한 가장 크게 불을 피우기위해 모든 막대기를 사용해서 모닥불을 재건하세요!
Rebuild the Bonfire
모닥불 재건하기\n[Rebuild the Bonfire]
The data storage module of an advanced... something. It appears to have recepticles for a battery and robotic I/O modules, which are no longer present, and a trapdoor to a spherical chamber.
The data storage module of an advanced... something. It appears to have recepticles for a battery and robotic I/O modules, which are no longer present, and a trapdoor to a spherical chamber.
Black Box
Black Box
Radiates a constant heat. Perfect for cooking. Its magical properties allow it to be Loot Collected back into the base materials if additional embers are created.
Radiates a constant heat. Perfect for cooking. Its magical properties allow it to be deconstructed back into the base materials if additional embers are created.
Eternal Ember
Eternal Ember