Always includes a tradable Egg-ric, Puzzling Egg-Fly, Eggland Egg, Squire Hopeh, Butterflegg, The Carton Car, Eggland Dance Cart, King Egon's Royal Angler, or Bunfest Kitesail.

Buntopian Bounty

Contains a Crystals, Heckbug Eggs, The Heckbug Practice Dummy Recipe and sometimes a Heckbug Tender or Bouncin' Heckbug.

Cave Skitterer's Trove

Contains a Crystals, Heckbug-Hybrid Eggs, Heckbug Banners and sometimes a Heckbug Kicker.

Cave Hybrid's Trove

Contains a Crystals, Mystical Heckbug Eggs, sometimes a Heckbug Bomber Royale Bomb style, and rarely a Cave Crawler Critter.

Mystical Heckbug's Trove

Contains decorations used in the Wolves' Den.

Wolves' Den Decoration Box