Used to unlock Reinforced Gemerald Caches, found within the halls of the Castle Catastra Delve.

Fi's Key

Guarantees a RARE result when opening a GEARCRAFTER'S VAULT

Gearcrafter's Vault Key

Use when near an Unstable Sunder-Ark Cache, which appears after completion of boss waves in 5-Star dungeons in the Sundered Uplands.\n\nUnstable Sunder-Ark Caches disappear after 30 seconds, so use these keys quickly!

Key: Sunder-Ark Cache

Use to open a SURFACED DEPTHS CACHE from 'Depths' 5 STAR dungeons in Long Shade difficulty (15).

Key: Surfaced Depths Cache

Use to open a SURFACED DEPTHS CACHE from 'Depths' 5 STAR dungeons in Long Shade difficulty (15). Grants additional rewards compared to a standard Surfaced Depths Cache Key.

Sparkling Key: Surfaced Depths Cache