Throws a timed bomb for big damage and destruction.
블럭을 파괴하고 많은 피해를 주는 시한 폭탄을 던집니다.

Big Bomb
대형 폭탄\n[Big Bomb]

Throws a stunning boomerang that returns after hitting an enemy or wall. If caught on the return trip, all cooldowns are reduced.
적을 기절시키며 적이나 벽에 맞으면 돌아오는 부메랑을 던집니다. 잡았을경우, 재사용 대기시간이 줄어듭니다.


Boomeranger can equip ether a bow or sword. Basic attacks and abilities change based on what weapon the Boomeranger has equipped. With the Bow equipped basic attacks will shoot Fire Arrows, Ice Arrows, and Bomb Arrows in that order. Fire Arrows deal damage over time, Ice slow enemies, and bomb arrows deal damage in an area. Every 3rd Bow attack provides a cooldown reduction. With the Sword Equipped every 3rd attack summons a cyclone at your location dealing damage over time for a short time and grants the Boomeranger a damage reduction buff. Additionally, a fairy companion will heal the Boomeranger at low health.
부머레인저의 세번째 공격마다 추가 피해를 줍니다.

Final Fairy
파이널 블로우\n[Final Blow]

스페인 금화\n[Doubloon]

스페인 금화\n[Doubloon]

스페인 금화\n[Doubloon]

스페인 금화\n[Doubloon]