Authorizes its bearer to collect Marks of Ty on behalf of House Tysorion while displayed.\n\nActivating grants 3 Jump and summons a friend to follow you until you switch worlds.

Authorizes its bearer to collect Panatean Antes on behalf of House Panatea while displayed.\n\nActivating grants 15 Magic Find and summons a friend to follow you until you switch worlds.\n\nThis badge will be revoked at the end of Sunfest.

Panatea House Badge

Summons a special Panatean friend to follow you for a minute.\n\nThis special badge can be used once every 10 minutes.

Panatea Special Agent Badge

Authorizes its bearer to collect Marks of Ty on behalf of House Tysorion while displayed.\n\nActivating grants 3 Jump and summons a friend to follow you until you switch worlds.

Authorizes its bearer to collect Marks of Ty on behalf of House Tysorion while displayed.\n\nActivating grants 3 Jump and summons a friend to follow you until you switch worlds.\n\nThis badge will be revoked at the end of Sunfest.

Tysorion House Badge

Summons a special Tysorion friend to follow you for a minute.\n\nThis special badge can be used once every 10 minutes.

Tysorion Special Agent Badge