
Tutorial Rework

Inspired by Zehira flying overhead as he worked, the Shaper created another dragon in her image and presented it to the Sun Goddess as a token of his esteem.\n\nHaving this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +100 Lasermancy, +1000 Max Health and +50 Magic Find.

Press [HK:Leaderboards] to access Leaderboards
按 [HK:Loot] 打开排行榜

Welcome to the Hub, Trovian, It's me again! Come find me next to the Statue of the Sun Goddess.
欢迎来到宝藏世界主城,冒险者你好我是克贝斯利[Qubesly]!我很高兴你能逃出来. 快來找我吧,在太阳女神像旁边.

Explore The Medieval Highlands to continue fighting the Shadows! The station next to me is the Atlas. It shows the whole known universe! Use the Atlas or press [HK:Atlas] to visit a Medieval Highlands World and start exploring Trove.
很高兴再次见到你,冒险者! 我对你看待世界的方式做了一些改变,今后我会在右上角这里和你说话。正如你所看到的,托德斯特罗姆[Todstrom]在为某人工作,某人想收集灵魂,但为什么呢?探索[中世纪高原]寻找线索。在我和太阳女像旁边的站台就是地图集。它显示了整个已知的宇宙。使用地图集或按 [HK:Atlas] 访问中世纪高原,开始探索Trove。

You made the jump to Medieval Highlands, great! Check your map [HK:Map], you should see Dungeons all around you. Go complete one!
你进入了中世纪高原,太好了! 如果你打开地图 [HK:Map] ,你应该可以看到周围的地下城。完成地下城意味着找到宝箱,宝箱意味着战利品,战利品意味着变强,而变强意味着离解开托德斯特伦[Todstrom]的阴谋又近了一步! 其他的冒险者也在外面完成地下城。如果你看到地下城上方有一个巨大的红色''X'',那就是另一个冒险者已经清除了此地下城的标志,你应该找下一个地下城。

You took that Dungeon down like a champ! Do it again, do it again, check your map, and do it again! AND DID YOU SEE THAT BLUE PORTAL? I'm not much of an adventurer, but I hear you can use those to get out of a completed dungeon lickety-split.

That was some great dungeon-crawling Trovian; you're looking stronger already! Meet up with me back in the hub by holding [HK:Homeworld]. I want to show you around! I'm next to the Sun Goddess Statue to the South of the Landing Pad. Check your COMPASS at the top of your screen to remember which direciton is South!
这是一些伟大的地下城旅行,你看起来已经更强了。按 [HK:Homeworld] 回到主城[HK:Homeworld]和我会合. 我想带你到处看看! 我在你离开我的地方附近,在登陆台南面的太阳女神像旁边。

Cubits are great, and you can earn more every day by completing dungeons and filling your Star Bar. You can spend Cubits on all kinds of things from Style Stashes to Dragon Coins. Check out the Store and see if there are any sweet deals waiting for you! You can also check the store by pressing [HK:Store].
金币是很好的,你可以通过完成地下城和填满你的星条,每天赚取更多的金币。你可以把金币花在各种东西上,从收藏品到龙币。前往太阳女神像另一边的商店,看看是否有什么交易等着你! 你也可以按 [HK:Store] 查看商店。

What time is it? Dungeon time! Like I said earlier, Shadows have spread their dark influence across all of Trove--and Dungeons are their strongholds.
现在是什么时间?地牢时间!你出去冒险的时候,我一直在主城收集情报。听起来我们看到和Todstrom说话的人 可能就是月亮女神本人了!

Ok friend, one more thing before you head back out into battle. The Welcome Board on the Landing Pad has information about the here and now of Trove and sometimes really important messages are even listed along the bottom. If you want to know what's going on at this very moment the Welcome Board is the best place to check! I found a free couch on the Welcome Board once, I still sleep on it sometimes.
好了,朋友,在你出发之前还有一件事。在登陆平台上我们对面的欢迎面板上有关于Trove这里和现在的信息,有时真正重要的信息甚至会沿着底部列出。如果你想知道此时此刻发生了什么,欢迎板是最好的地方! 我曾经在欢迎面板发现了一个免费的沙发,我现在放松的时候还睡在上面呢。