
Pre Snowfest 2021

Receive a a total of 24 goodies in this limited time pack, including the Tyke Present Trike, Shadow-Stitched Snowfest Quilt, and Peppermint Goatyata mounts, Shadow's Sock of Soot, Teensy Tinsel Team, and Trovian's Sock of Treasures allies, and the Snowfest Slugger, Mistletoe Matron, Cookie Conjurer, and Lederhosen Lancer Costumes. Get them before they melt!
在这个限时礼包中,每天都会收到一个新的冰雪庆典收藏品或一个小奖励,总共24个好东西! 之前所有可获得的奖励将在购买后不久给予。