
Polished Paragon

Produces 25 Bomber Royale Coins: Season One when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Bomber Bench.

Current Consecutive Days Logged in

Produces 25 Bomber Royale Coins: Season Two when fully charged. Legendary Tomes can only be charged once a week. Charges in Dungeons, Geode Caves, and Delves. Purchasable from the Bomber Bench.

Complete a Present Dungeon

Seek out a Present Dungeon and clear it out.

Hey Trovian, Snowfest is a good time of year for someone who knows what's up. Do you? Let me school ya' a bit. Each year Present Dungeons pop up all over Trove, all full of fun stuff. If you're someone with skills you can clean 'em out and make a nice little profit. So how 'bout it? Easy jobs are the best jobs.

Each year Snowfest Trees appear all over Trove, each year Trovians are sent to clear them out. This year is no different hero. Find the Trees and clear them out.
每年的冰雪树都会出现在主世界各地,每年都会寻宝者去清除它们。今年也不例外,英雄。找到这些树并将其清除。 活动3星本,只出现在主世界,晶洞地表不会出现。