
Crack the Court

/mods <one of> enable disable list info resetconfig listconfig setconfig
/ mods <其中之一> enable禁用列表信息

Bunfest Daily Adventure: Those dang Shadowy Buns are going after Liv's hidden Eggs. You can find their bases anywhere her eggs are hidden: Geode Topside, Medieval Highlands, Candoria, and the Fae Forest.

{0} players summoning portal Stand close for faster summoning {1}%% completed
{0} 名玩家召唤传送门 {1}%% 完成

Slow Resurrection Wave
死亡诅咒[Death Curse]

Unless tombstone resurrected, all dead players will release at the same delayed time.

Delve Gateway: Flakbeard

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which FLAKBEARD, THE RELENTLESS can appear.\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMinimum Depth: 128

Delve Gateway: Shadow Hydrakken

Place to queue yourself for a Private Delve in which the SHADOW HYDRAKKEN can appear.\n\nInvites: Up to 8 Players total\nMounts: Delve Restricted\nMinimum Depth: 128

You're so strong! It's up to you to decide what's next and figure out what's going on with the the Daughter of the Moon. Now that you've proven your strength more and more folks will start showing up in the Hub with purple exclamation marks to give you Quests. Once you've found someone and accepted their Quest, open the Adventure Board [HK:ActivityTracker] for details. Offer to help anyone with a purple exclamation mark and I'll hook you up with a Day of Patron! Patron gives you all kinds of benefits, from extra Chaos Factor to bonus Jumps. It will activate immediately, so be ready!
你太强了! 你要决定下一步该怎么做,并弄清楚月亮女神到底发生了什么。现在你已经证明了你的实力,越来越多的人将开始出现在主城,用紫色感叹号的NPC会给你任务。然后打开冒险任务面板 [HK:ActivityTracker] 查看详情。帮助任何有紫色感叹号的人,我就会给你挂上一天的会员! 会员给你带来各种好处,从额外的混沌点数和跳跃。它将立即激活,所以要做好准备!