

Any fish or boots will work! Talk to Saltwater Sam in a Drowned World to get started.

Rewarded for completing a Geodian Guild Adventure.

It's time to explore the depths of Geode, Trovian! I'm Amberine. The caves are too dangerous for most Geodians, but the Sunseekers have opened portals just for Trovians like you. You can use either the portal down below in the Geodian Guild Hall or the Atlas to get to Geode. Once you land in Geode take an airavator down to the Mining Facility and use the purple portal to Moonglow Grotto.
1/36 - 欢迎来到晶洞世界,寻宝者!我是琥珀玉髓。\n\n帮助寻日者罗万修好飞船,返回晶洞的人就是你吧?他说你还没做好面对超强暗影的准备。不过我们会帮助你做好准备的!\n\n首先,你需要在这儿收集资源,升级你的装备。也就是说你得去晶洞下方的洞窟里探险。那里很危险,我们已经禁止大部分晶洞人进去了,但寻日者们为你开辟了一道传送门。\n\n乘空气梯去挖矿设施,然后穿过紫色传送门就到月光石窟了。

Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from the first six Shadowy Soul Vaults opened in Delves each week.
稀有制作素材\n\n<font color='#34FF7B'>丨在秘境中打开暗影灵魂箱获得丨\n丨每周只有前6个暗影灵魂箱有奖励(周一晚7点刷新)丨</font>\n<font color='#53A6FF'>暗影灵魂箱出现条件: \n丨秘境深度25+以上且连续完成3层丨</font>

Rare Crafting Material.\n\nFrequently discovered in Delves within Shadowy Soul Vaults alongside Titan and Lunar Souls. Up to five can be found per week.
稀有制作素材\n\n<font color='#34FF7B'>丨在秘境中打开暗影灵魂箱获得丨\n丨每周只有前6个暗影灵魂箱有奖励(周一晚7点刷新)丨</font>\n<font color='#53A6FF'>暗影灵魂箱出现条件: \n丨秘境深度25+以上且连续完成3层丨</font>

Crafting Material. Used to craft items at the Shadowy Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub. Found by defeating Pumpkin dungeons in any biome or world. Candy Corn will vanish shortly after Shadow's Eve 2019.

Rare Crafting Material.\n\nObtained from the first six Shadowy Soul Vaults opened in Delves each week.
稀有制作素材\n\n<font color='#34FF7B'>丨在秘境中打开暗影灵魂箱获得丨\n丨每周只有前6个暗影灵魂箱有奖励(周一晚7点刷新)丨</font>\n<font color='#53A6FF'>暗影灵魂箱出现条件: \n丨秘境深度25+以上且连续完成3层丨</font>

Spend with the Battle Broker to unlock arena rewards. The Battle Broker can be found in the Battle Station in the Trove Hub.\n\nEarned by competing in non-Bomber Royale PVP.

Titan Soul - Rare Crafting Material. Obtained from the first six Shadowy Soul Vaults opened in Delves each week.\n\nLunar Soul - Rare Crafting Material. Obtained from the first six Shadowy Soul Vaults opened in Delves each week.

Used to forge stronger versions of the Geodian Acclimation System. Emits a curious scent.\n\nObtained from Amberine's Geode Caves Expertise Quest.