Respects the hustle and their elders.
Earned from completing the Marketplace Expertise Side Quest.
A magnificent sail that will carry your boat swiftly to safe port. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.
Emblazoned with the coat of arms of an ancient seafaring nation. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.
E'er the green and gold shall fly above calm sea and beneath blue sky. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.
A common sail, employed by captains of many cultures. Can be made at the Nautical Assembler in Drowned Worlds.
The scent of the sea clings to its unmarred surface. Can be bought from Saltwater Sam in Drowned Worlds.
Explodes on impact. Can be used to damage or destroy dungeon blocks. Hold down button to aim.
Craftable at an Adventurer's Crafting Bench
Earned by completing daily Adventures, this valuable gemstone can be exchanged in Clubs and in the Hub for unusual and exotic goods.
The Moon Goddess held domain over all aspects of the mind, including magic and sorcery.
Craftable at the Cube Converter. So fresh.