Subterranean Scramble Daily 3/3: I didn't mean to run off but Diggsly just wasn't listening. I've uncovered something promising in these caves; Promising Eggs! Go find some Companion Eggs and see if you can uncover something special. The deeper you dive the more likley you are to find Promising Companion Eggs in Lairs.
If you see me again, I may want any Eggs instead, so keep an eye out!
地底混乱日常3/3:我不是要逃,而是钻头鼹鼠根本不听我的。我在这个洞穴里发现了一些东西:希望蛋!去找一些希望伙伴蛋并看看你能否发现一些特殊的事情。你掘进得越深入你在巢穴里发现希望伙伴蛋的几率就越大。 要是你又看见我了,我可能就会拿任何其他的“蛋”来代替,所以你给我把招子放亮点!
Find Promising Companion Eggs
Find Promising Companion Eggs in Geode Cave Lairs.
Subterranean Scramble Daily 2/3: I didn't mean to run off but Diggsly just wasn't listening. I've uncovered something promising in these caves; Promising Eggs! Go find some Companion Eggs and see if you can uncover something special. The deeper you dive the more likley you are to find Promising Companion Eggs in Lairs.
If you see me again, I may want Promising Eggs instead, so keep an eye out!
地底混乱日常2/3: 我不是要逃,而是钻头鼹鼠根本不听我的。我在这个洞穴里发现了一些东西:希望蛋!去找一些希望伙伴蛋并看看你能否发现一些特殊的事情。你掘进得越深入你在巢穴里发现希望伙伴蛋的几率就越大。要是你又看见我了,我可能就会拿任何其他的“蛋”来代替,所以你给我把招子放亮点!
Find Companion Eggs
Find Companion Eggs in Geode Cave Lairs.
Subterranean Scramble Daily 1/3: I'm so upset Trovian, my Shadow was trying to tell me something and I didn't listen... and now hes just GONE. The only thing that can cheer me up at a time like this is mining. Go mine some ore to help remind me what its like to have fun again.
Mine Ore
Mine ore to cheer Diggsly up.