
A cragglepod commonly found in the depths of Sunken Sunvault. While often skittish in the wild, they warm up quickly to those it trusts.

Ember Cragglepod

This vibrant cragglepod is known for its bold personality and impenetrable shell. It can be social - even garrulous - with those it considers friends.

Viridian Cragglepod

This cragglepod's rosy hue and sweet disposition comes from its diet of sugary sun sap! The light on its head burns more gently than others.

Roseflame Cragglepod

Froleek enjoy cavorting throughout the Chiseled Caverns, from dancing in Moonglow Grotto to sunbathing in Sunken Sunvault.

Sunkissed Froleek

Vibrant leaves set this dazzling Froleek apart from others. It never tires of expressing its joy, whether its getting treats, pets, or even a little bit of attention.

Jubilant Froleek