Into the Deep

Crafting Material.\n\nFound in the Giant Sunflowers that pepper the Peaceful Hills.

Crafting Material.\n\nEarned by completing the Dark Heart dungeons found in the Sky Realms.

This shade-touched parchment looks like a fragment of an engineering diagram.\n\nAcquired during the Portal to Darkness event, this item may fade back into the shadows over time.

Has a chance to recover a charge when you complete a dungeon.

Empowered Water Gem Box

Rogue Reliquary

Gives Critter Supplies or Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.\n\nRogue Reliquaries have a chance to appear as a bonus when completing Geodian Cave adventures.

2019 Collectables and Lockboxes

Legacy Collectables and Lockboxes
